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Top 10 Best Among The Best Social Media WordPress Plugins

WordPress is all about plugins. Without plugins, it is hard to manage WordPress. In fact, plugins help us to manage WordPress easily without having any coding knowledge. Click To Tweet

Now a day social media has become one of the crucial parts of our life. That’s why it is important to have the best social media plugins for your WordPress site.

There are hundreds of social media plugins are available in WordPress. That’s why it is not an easy task to choose the best one, especially for beginners. Today I am going to show you the best among the best social media plugins for WordPress that are quite handy for you to manage and quite helpful for your audiences.

Social media WordPress plugins create a major problem with the WordPress site. It decreases the website speed because its need to load additional stylesheets and scripts, these additional data slow down your website speed.

That’s why it becomes crucial to find the balance between the features and performance of the plugin.

Would you like to have a fully featured social media plugin that can slow down your website speed? Of course, you will not like to have that one. You may look for that one which can provide enough features to maintain your user experience. Every social media marketing company in India know the value of social media WordPress Plugins.

There are plenty of social media plugins that allow you to show the social icon on the sidebar, below article, above article, and so on. You may choose the best spot to display these icons.

Remember that don’t display these social icons twice in a single page. Now let’s dig into the blog to check out the best ever social media plugin for WordPress.

1. Sassy Social Share

Sassy Social Share is my personal favorite social media plugin for WordPress. There are tons of options available in this plugin. It provides support for various social media networks. It covers almost every major as well as minor social media networks.

The best part of this plugin is that you can add buttons on your post as well as you can use the sticky floating social menu. On the other hand, it also supports the share counts feature. It is quite helpful in having a look at how many times the particular article is shared on a specific social media network.

But remember that if you want to utilize this feature you have to depend on the third party service that will give you the proper stats.
It supports social share count feature as well. However, like many other social media plugins, you will need to use a third-party service to retrieve those stats.

As for icon styles, the plugin comes with three basic styles: rounded, square, or rectangle buttons. You can set the positioning options in the plugin settings for both standards and floating social bars. In the standard social share buttons, you can place these button above the article or after the article.

On the other hand in floating social bars, you can enable or disable this bar on mobile devices. You can also customize the social media button style as per your choice.

2. AddtoAny

AddtoAny is basically a social sharing tool. But now it is available as one of the best social media plugins for WordPress. In fact, it is known as the universal sharing platform.

The reason is it allows the users to share on a large number of social media platform just by clicking a single universal icon. It also allows you the floating, standard social sharing bars, and a universal sharing menu. Therefore you get over 100 sharing option with this plugin.

The best part of this plugin is that it shows the social share counts without creating an account or without the help of any third party service. You can also integrate Google Analytics accounts with this plugin. It also allows you the link shortening integrations.

The only drawback of this plugin is that it is not as powerful as compared with other social media plugins for WordPress. Moreover, this plugin is light weighted and ultrafast.

3. Revive Old Post

Social media takes lots of time. It is not easy to manage all your social accounts on a daily basis. If you have a large number of social media accounts then it is nearly impossible for you to post on these accounts regularly because it can take lots of time.

Revive Old Post plugin is quite useful for this purpose. It allows you to automatically share your old post to social media account. Thus it helps you to keep your social media accounts active without putting lots of efforts. Besides, It also offers the users a chance to engage and discover popular content from your site.

It allows you to share your content on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, and Tumblr automatically. For this, you just need to set up your sharing options i.e post, pages, and post types. You also need to include your hashtags or your @name for better sharing. You can also track your click with the help of Google Analytics. Yes, it supports Google Analytics integration.

4. Better Click to Tweet

Twitter is one of the best and most popular social media platforms in the world. Almost every public figure is using Twitter to share their thoughts with their fans and followers. That’s why tweet to share option is playing a crucial role in the success of the blog.

You may have seen the customized quotes boxes on many popular blogs. This box allows the users to share the quote on Google with the help of a single click. Majority of the popular blogger are using Better Click to Tweet plugin for this purpose.

You can place this box after every point of your blog. It creates a better users experience. Because most of the time users don’t like the entire blog post. They like some of the key points, therefore they want to share those key points with others. Better Click to Tweet plugin allows this flexibility to your users.

5. Social Icon Widget

Social icon widget is the best ever social media plugin for WordPress. It allows you to follow icon to drive traffic to your actual social media accounts. It is the simplest but powerful social media plugin. Moreover, It also allows you to add social follow buttons without any hassle.

You can also add the social follow buttons on the widget area of your website. It includes over 80 different searchable icons that will help you. Here in these icons, you can insert the direct URL to your profile.

The best part of this plugin is that it allows you to customize the colors of the social icons. You can customize the icon size and padding. The only drawback of this plugin is that it doesn’t offer a variety of features.

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6. MashShare Social Media Share Buttons

It is one of the most popular free social sharing plugin. It allows you to make your users share your content easily on social media platforms. This plugin offers a variety of features to you.

It offers integration with all the major social networks, share buttons, video share popups, sticky bar, most shared posts widget, URL shortener integration, AMP support, and so on. Mashare offers stunning designs of social share buttons.

It allows you to add Mashare-style social share button to your WordPress Site. You can place these buttons above the content or below the content. Moreover, you can also use the shortcode or PHP tag to place these icons.

7. Easy Social Share Buttons For WordPress

It is considered among the most powerful plugins of WordPress. It can do almost everything with social media and WordPress. If you love to have the basic share button on your WordPress site.

Then this plugin is not for you. But if you want to have the stylish social media button then this plugins offers a variety of features for this. This plugin offers you the 30 different default display positions, including above the content, below the content, Floating icons, top or bottom bar, post share bar, pop-ups and many more.

In addition, it also includes 52 templated and more than 27 design positions. There are 9 inbuilt button style templates i.e. classic, metro, modern, round, retina, retina metro, retina light, retina flat and 3 display styles i.e. icon only, the icon with name, an icon with the name on hover.

It also allows you to automatic triggers the user’s action. Likewise other social sharing plugins it also offers the share counts of individual networks. You can also recover your old share counts if you have updated your website or redirect it to HTTPS. The best part of this plugin is that it also displays the customized message to the users when they share your content on social media.

8. Monarch

Monarch is not an ordinary social share plugin for WordPress. But it is the most popular premium social button plugin for WordPress. It is the part of the popular Elegant theme membership. It is one of the most costly plugins if you buy it alone without the theme. But it is a value for money plugin that offers a variety of feature to you. It allows you to display the buttons on 5 different locations.

These positions include floating sidebar, Above the content or below the content, on media, pop-ups, side in and shortcode. Your users can see your followers numbers with the help of this plugin. Apart from these locations it also allows you to display this icon on manual positions.

It supports over 20 social media platforms including all the major social networks. It also allows you to customize the buttons as per 3 shapes, 5 hover effects and other styling options. Besides it also allows you to have a look at the stats of your shares, follows and likes.

9. Social Warfare

Social Warfare is the best among the best WordPress Social share plugin in the market. It comes with both the free as well as the premium version. The free version is available in the WordPress Market. On the other hand it premium version offers a variety of functionality i.e. Pinterest specific images and more.

It offers a variety of button placement options i.e. above the content, below the content, or both at the same time, manually placed with shortcode, floating share buttons. Its free version supports only 6 social networks. It offers a beautiful share that looks great a compliment to your website.

It also displays the share counts with the premium version. You can also recover your old share counts if you move to the new domain.

10. Instagram Feeds

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. All the celebrities are on Instagram that why Instagram is one of the crucial social media platforms behind the success of any WordPress site. It is quite beneficial to display the Instagram photos on your WordPress site. You can do this by using one of the most popular social media WordPress i.e Instagram Feed. It helps you to display your recent Instagram, photos on your WordPress Site.

All you have to do is generate an Instagram access token. After that you will be able to use the available shortcodes to display the feed on your website. You can display the feed on posts, pages or sidebar widget.

You can also create multiple feeds by customizing the shortcode parameters as per your choice. The best part of this plugin is that it allows you to fetch multiple Instagram to create a single feed.


We have gone through the top 10 social media WordPress Plugins that will help you to create the better user experience on your WordPress site. In fact, these plugins are not only helpful for you but it is also helpful for your users.

If you any other social media WordPress plugins that I have not mentioned above. Then comment the plugin below and we will try to add it in our list.

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